[CQ-Contest] Self spotting

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Tue Oct 27 17:38:51 PDT 2009

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kenneth E. Harker" <kenharker at kenharker.com>

> If we allow self-spotting, it's a very short step to allowing
> stations to exchange information or confirm contacts via the
> spotting network ...

The spotting network, a separate wired communications network,
already facilitates QSOs in amateur radio contests.  That's
a foolish state of affairs because it undermines the nature
of amateur radio.

However, given that spotting networks exist and are apparently
accepted by many as "normal" for MO and SOA events, it's
inconsistent to not use the technology to its fullest extent.

> .. where does radio fit into the sport anymore?

A good question.  Are we amateur radio contesters or amateur
internet contesters?  I'm an amateur radio contester - I don't
use spotting networks.

In CQWW I operated with the EI9E MO team, and I didn't have a
say in the matter - or course we used the network.  For us,
as for most entrants, spots confer a considerable advantage.
Why then should we have to depend on the whim of others to
enjoy that advantage?  And to anyone who says that wholesale
self-spotting would create chaos, I say it might, but not on
the amateur bands.  So deal with it.

Paul EI5DI

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