[CQ-Contest] Self spotting -- What IS the bg difference?

Art Boyars artboyars at gmail.com
Wed Oct 28 06:28:16 PDT 2009

Not much new in the discussion here over the last few days, but one thing
Tree said (Tue, 27 Oct 2009 13:56:30 -0700) powered up the light bulb over
my head:

"What is the BIG difference between making that spot myself verus having
someone else do it for me?"

I think Tree was talking about "cheerleading", but, to me, it applies to all
spotting.  Most of us agree that it's wrong for 4Q2OM to spot himself.  Buf
if  K3KU spots 4Q2OM, then 'OM is receiving help, even by non-amateur radio
means.  This points out why cheerleading is so ethically problematic, and it
points out the whole issue about packet (and, by logical extension, even
with the old local on-the-air spotting networks.)

(Side question: Would we consider it differently if K3KU, with his unlimited
USA telephone plan,  telephoned a few hundred friends and gave them the
freq to find 4Q2OM?)

I've said before, using satiric hyperbole, "Packet ruined ham radio."  It
seems to me that Tree agrees.  Responding to EI5DI he says (ibid.):

"[EI5DI:] * That's precisely why spotting (of any kind) should not be
permitted **in contests.*
"I agree with this statement personally.  However, I am afraid this just
isn't going to be possible."

If Tree agrees with me, I feel vindicated.  And I agree with him: it ain't
gonna go away.  And maybe enough people will approve of self-spotting so
that it becomes accepted/premitted.  Heck, maybe they'll start counting
internet-linked QSOs for score.

So I'll use packet when operating at my friend's M-M, but I'll continue to
avoid it when operating at home.  To me, no-packet is what contesting is
supposed to be (I can hear K0HB nodding in agreement), and it fits my prime
directive: "Tune for maximum fun."  (Sure, winning is fun.  And so is
working hard to improve your skills and maximize your result, even if you
don't/can't win.  And so is operating casually, "to help the guys in the

73, Art K3KU
CU SS CW -- as long as it's fun

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