[CQ-Contest] 48 hour straight contest operation and human output

Sandy Farley N7RQ poodlesfly at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 28 10:38:53 PDT 2009

My husband Bob K8IA tells me he ran afoul (pun intended) of his ex-XYL when a gasket failed on a device he kluged together for the same purpose some years back.  You'll have to ask him whether or not the carpet was replaced.
If I were serious about sitting in one spot for 48 hours, I'd be inclined to simply buy one of those portable camper potties as a chair and contest nekked.  OTOH that's tough when you're running a multi-op setup.
Thanks for the laugh...
73/88, Sandy N7RQ
Arizona Outlaws Contest Club
----- Original Message -----
From: "Larry K4AB" <k4ab at hotmail.com>
To: k5zd at charter.net, on5zo at telenet.be, cq-contest at contesting.com
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 9:16:01 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] 48 hour straight contest operation and human output
Bill, W4AN (SK), who took all this very seriously, once told me of a device
he supposedly used to maximize his time in the chair.
Without getting into much detail, he claimed it allowed him more operating time
without taking bathroom breaks.

I still don't know if I actually believe he used the thing.  

It was a commercially available product called "The Stadium Pal".

When ya gotta go, ya gotta go.

Larry K4AB

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