[CQ-Contest] How do you define a top-op?

Chris Hurlbut chriskl9a at gmail.com
Sun Sep 6 13:14:53 PDT 2009

When sending N4ZR a list of people I considered to be at the top of their
game, I realized it was harder than I expected.

Some guys may have SO2R CW contests in the bag.  While they may not be quite
at the same level on SSB.  Maybe they can run 200/hr on CW and 400/hr on
SSB, but they can't dig very well for the weak guys.  Or maybe they can dig
like no other, hear EVERYTHING, but max out at 35wpm and can't run crazy
high rates.

Maybe they run OK, but accuracy isn't the greatest.  But you put them in a
mult chair, and they will win every time.

Some guys may be great at SOAB, but terrible at M/M for whatever reason.  Or
the guys who you may feel pretty confident going head to head with in a
SOAB, but you wouldn't dream about not having them on your multi-op team.

Of course there are the few guys who are good at everything, and they just
make you sick!  :)

-Chris KL9A

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