[CQ-Contest] 2009 CoQP - All 3830 Claimed Scores 11Sep2009

mwdink at eskimo.com mwdink at eskimo.com
Fri Sep 11 08:06:33 PDT 2009

2009 CoQP - All 3830 Claimed Scores 11Sep2009

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: Oct 6, 2009
E-mail logs to: coqplogs at ppraa.org
Mail logs to:
Colorado QSO Party
PO Box 16521
Colorado Springs, CO 80935-6521
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org/

73 dink

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
In State M/SMixed HP
N0KE               281   375     0    73    61     0  13.5    142,120 Grand Mesa

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
In State M/SMixed LP
N4CD               234     4     0    38     3     0           36,176 

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
In State SO MobileMixed LP
N0KM/M             116    20     0     0     0     0     6     13,724 

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
In State SOCW LP
K0FX               348     0     0    66     0     0  8+/-     94,776 Grand Mesa
N0HF               277     0     0    58     0     0     9     66,004 Grand Mesa
WT9Q               205     0     0    52     0     0     5     42,640 Grand Mesa
N0AC(@N0AC/0)      186     0     0    53     0     0    10     41,040 Iowa DX and Contest 
W0RAA              195     0     0    52     0     0     6     40,560 Grand Mesa

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
In State SODig LP
W0RAA                0     0    10     0     0     8     1        320 Grand Mesa

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
In State SOMixed HP
K0UK               211    79     0    55    40     0  5:36     47,595 Grand Mesa

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
In State SOMixed LP
AD1C               183    54     0    47    29     0  11.5     63,840 Grand Mesa
W0LL(K8FC)         133    85     0     1     0     0     5     60,040 Grand Mesa
KO7X/M              51     3     0    33     3     0     2      3,996 Grand Mesa

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
In State SOPh QRP
W0RIC                0   198     0     0   174     0    15     34,452 Grand Mesa

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
Out of State SOCW HP
K2SX                31     0     0    17     0     0     2      2,040 SECC
K1SE                23     0     0    17     0     0   1.0        782 PVRC
K6RB                30     0     0    13     0     0     1        780 NCCC
F5IN                10     0     0    10     0     0              400 

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
Out of State SOCW LP
N6MU                87     0     0    35     0     0           12,180 
KN4Y                58     0     0    31     0     0     8      7,192 FCG
KS8O                53     0     0    25     0     0  7.35      5,300 
N9FC                48     0     0    26     0     0            4,992 SMC
W2LHL               49     0     0    24     0     0            4,704 
K6WSC               45     0     0    21     0     0            3,780 
N3ZZ                43     0     0    18     0     0   2.5      3,096 NCCC
K0IO                42     0     0    18     0     0     5      3,024 Newton ARA
WB2ABD              22     0     0    13     0     0     2      1,404 
K6CSL               16     0     0    11     0     0   4.0        704 NCCC

WW1M                16     0     0    10     0     0   2.5        640 YCCC
WF7T                11     0     0     9     0     0     1        396 TCG
KB1NRB               8     0     0     6     0     0 01:03        192 YCCC

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
Out of State SOCW QRP
W5TM                21     0     0    15     0     0  2:22      1,890 OkDX

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
Out of State SOMixed HP
K4BAI               66    32     0    27    25     0  6:32      8,528 
VE6CNU              29    23     0    19    18     0   2.5      2,997 
KO7X                34     9     0    14     8     0            1,694 Grand Mesa

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
Out of State SOMixed LP
K4XU                56    23     0    31    15     0     4      7,634 
KS5A                29    10     0    19     7     0     2      3,536 Arizona Outlaws Cont
KE7DX/140           31     7     0    18     7     0     5      3,450 Arizona Outlaws Cont
K9NW                36    12     0    18    11     0     4      2,436 MRRC
W0BH                24    15     0    16    11     0   2.2      1,866 
N3FY                18     5     0    12     5     0     3      1,394 SECC
AC0E                12     6     0    10     6     0 2h03m        960 KCDXC
VE3XD                8     6     0     6     6     0              572 CCO

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
Out of State SOPh LP
AB4GG                0    13     0     0    12     0              312 TCG
W7KAM                0     6     0     0     6     0     3         72 

Call                 CQ    PQ    DQ    CM    PM    DM   hr      Score Club
Out of State SOPh QRP
KS4X                 0    18     0     0    16     0              864 TCG

N0KE         N0HI,N0KE
W0RAA        W0RAA,W0RAA

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