[CQ-Contest] UN DX Contest - Spring 2009.

brian coyne g4odv at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Sep 13 06:29:36 PDT 2009

Looking for help from any Russian speakers who entered this one.

The results just issued suggest there are some serious issues with the checking software.

My UBN which was made available looks a joke.I am credited with 30% of qso's made! - now we all have bad days but!!!!

There are no translations and reaching the tables takes quite sometime, however when I see there that LY5W 
gets only 52%, G0MTN, just 12%, plus quite a lot of others been hit for silly, it does make me wonder why there was no human intervention before going public with the results and that perhaps they should begin again.


73  Brian  C4Z /5B4AIZ.


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