[CQ-Contest] K7NV's Guyed Tower Study Added to Contesting Compendium; More Good Info Needed

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Wed Sep 16 06:01:13 PDT 2009

I have just added K7NV's Guyed Tower Study from his web site to the 
Contesting Compendium, at 
<http://wiki.contesting.com/index.php/Guyed_tower_study>.  Thanks, Kurt, 
for giving your permission.

For those who plan to build or improve a tower, this should be required 
reading.  Ever wondered what happens when you substitute Phillystran for 
steel in a guy-set?  This article tells you, on the basis of some very 
sophisticated engineering analysis, presented in clear text and 
pictures, what happens when the wind blows against towers with various 
antenna loads and guy configurations.

This is a prime example of the sort of good info for contesters that we 
need to be sure of preserving and making available into the future.  But 
I need your help - drop me a note and tell me where to find the next 
great article - I'll take it from there.  Or write it yourself - if you 
need help getting it into "wiki" shape, I'll be glad to be your 
connection to the Compendium.

73, Pete N4ZR
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