[CQ-Contest] A new "DX cluster" experience for contesters

Henk Remijn PA5KT pa5kt at remijn.net
Tue Apr 13 00:11:01 PDT 2010

I dont understand why people are always so negative if someone has 
another view of life then themselves.
Why just live with the changes and adapt yourselves. Or wait what will 
come from it.

Now everybody in the modern civilized western world has access to high 
speed internet it has became part of life. And because of this also it 
is part of amateur radio life.

What the people of the RBN have created is a result of the developments 
which are caused by the access to high speed internet and by high speed 

The RBN is a very useful tool to investigate radio waves propagation, 
which looks like "self-training" and "technical investigations" by 
persons interested in radio technique.

Why not leave them to their experiments and ignore it if you dont like it?

73 Henk PA5KT

Paul O'Kane schreef:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Pete Smith" <n4zr at contesting.com>
>> Metaphorical loom-smashing aside, I think that this
>> development will have little impact in the world of
>> single-op contesting, given the rules that have been
>> put in place in the last couple of years.
> This development is, in terms of amateur radio contesting,
> a weapon of mass destruction which, rather than being
> subject to stringent controls, has been put into the hands
> of anyone with an internet connection - in effect, all of
> us.  
> The fact that something can be done does not always mean
> that it is worth doing.  The people who have developed
> this technology can congratulate themselves on the 
> introduction of a fundamental change in the nature of
> contesting, to the extent that it has been largely
> debased. 
> They may argue it's just a natural extension of existing
> technology - the cluster.  If so, doesn't that raise a
> question about the legitimacy of the cluster?
> Regardless of how we got here, or how well-intentioned
> the developers were/are, we should not be here.  The
> internet serves only to undermine amateur radio - by
> putting the wires back into wireless.
> 73,
> Paul EI5DI
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Henk Remijn PA5KT
email: pa5kt at remijn.net
www: www.remijn.net

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