[CQ-Contest] A new "DX cluster" experience for contesters

KU7Y ku7y.cw at gmail.com
Sun Apr 18 10:24:05 PDT 2010


I got my license back in 1951 or 52.  I was too late to remember any flap 
about using bugs.

But I do remember all the letters/articles in the magazines about how 
electronic keyers were going to kill the hobby.  Even worse  was when 
someone added some memories to the keyer!!

Then along came computers and another round of how they were going to be the 
death of amateur radio and contesting.

So part of the problem is that we don't tend to watch history enough!

As long as we have reasonable classes to compete in, who cares what the 
unlimited folks do?

But if you want to win overall, then learn to use everything that is within 
the rules to help you make the best score you can.

Like that wonderful old lady said a few years ago, "Where's the beef"?  :-)

OK, back in my hole,

Ron, KU7Y
SOWP 5545M
Brenda, AZ
ku7y at qsl.net

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