[CQ-Contest] Best callsign letters

Doug Smith dougw9wi at gmail.com
Wed Apr 21 21:10:36 PDT 2010

John Geiger wrote:
> Has anyone done a study (or have ancetodal evidence) about which letters (using standard phonetics) get through best on SSB during pileups or marginal/weak conditions?  For example, I though "j" would be decent letter but many people seem to hear "Juliet" as "India".  Don't know why they make that confusion, but they do.  So, which letters are best recognized and less confused?

I can tell you that for reasons completely unknown to me, people (both DX and domestic) seem to copy the "I" in my call as "R", whether I use 
phonetics or not.


Doug Smith W9WI
Pleasant View, TN  EM66

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