[CQ-Contest] NS Ladder Today

Bill Haddon haddon.bill at gmail.com
Thu Apr 29 08:34:26 PDT 2010

Wk 3 of the NCCC Sprint Ladder, NSL-VIII
Today 0230-0300Z
20-160m  CW,
100 watt power limit
Score reports to ttp://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/  Tks Bruce!

Full details at:  http://www.ncccsprint.com/ladder.html

Two clarification on rules:

1) End of QSO acknowledgment is absolutely required, as in the NCJ NA

         In our speed-demon quests some are forgetting to make this
important response.

2) What are the time limits for the last QSO?

         Clarification thanks to our legal-beagle Saul, K2XA:

"The station sending the first data exchange of the QSO must complete the
sending of the call of the responding station prior to the expiration of the
30 minute period, but the remainder of the QSO may be completed beyond the
30 minute limit.."

"Example:    N6ZFO ends a CQ NS (or completes a QSO)  at 02:59:50 and K2XA
responds.  N6ZFO sends "K2XA N6ZFO 54 Bill CA.  The requirement is that ZFO
sends "K2XA" before 03:00:00.   N6ZFO ends the first part of the couplet at
03:00:08.  K2XA responds and sends N6ZFO 62 Saul NY K2XA .ending the
sequence at 03:00:22. K2XA and N6ZFO both count the Q but neither can work
another station."

See you all tonight, more players always welcome.

?'s to n6zfo at arrl.net

73 Bill n6zfo
NCCC Sprint Ladder Contest Director


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