[CQ-Contest] Hexacopter

David Gilbert xdavid at cis-broadband.com
Tue Aug 17 22:47:44 PDT 2010

I see that the Hexacopter received some comments again in the latest 
ARRL Contest update.  It and its sister products are amazing bits of 
technology, and although a bit pricey it occurred to me during a rather 
fanciful mood that they might make an interesting DXpedition tool.  The 
propellers on these copters are driven by electric motors, have 
considerable lifting force, and the "fully loaded" versions come with 
GPS capability.

Check out this video ...  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyYujjP5J-k

All of that suggests to me that it might be possible to hoist a wire for 
a full size 160m vertical with one of them, including power to keep them 
aloft more or less indefinitely.  The control circuitry is self 
correcting with quick response ... just tell it to remain at a certain 
location and it will do so in spite of variable winds or reasonable 
velocity.  It would probably take a bit of thought to keep high RF 
voltage away from the Hexacopter, and also some decoupling of the power 
leads, but ....

Maybe somebody could buy one and rent it out.  ;)

Dave   AB7E

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