[CQ-Contest] RTTY Contesting in CW segment?

Brobakken, Stein Roar s-roabr at online.no
Mon Dec 6 13:20:40 PST 2010


If you don't know JA have new bandplan for RTTY!
You don't need to work low on 80m or 40m anymore!
73s LA6FJA Rag


This is a e-mail from 7L4IOU I got..

Hi Rag

Japanese RTTY segments are follows:

3.520 - 3.525 is main segment
3.525 - 3.530 yes but SSB QRM at evening, 
              ok for EU at midnight and morning

yes but SSB QRM at evening.
hope more DX activitys up 3.600

7.025-7.045MHz RTTY
7.025 - 7.030 PSK at usual
7.030 - 7.035 RTTY, yes but SSTV QRM
7.100-7.200MHz mainly for domestics QSO, DX has not seen.

I hope to see you on low bands.

73 Hisami 7L4IOU

-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: rtty-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:rtty-bounces at contesting.com] På
vegne av Bill, W6WRT
Sendt: 5. desember 2010 23:34
Til: rtty at contesting.com
Emne: Re: [RTTY] Why is 40 Meter contesting in CW segment?


On Sun, 5 Dec 2010 13:34:56 -0000, "John Barber GW4SKA"
<ska at bartg.org.uk> wrote:

>The Region 1 bandplan at 
>7000 - 7040    CW only
>7040 - 7050    Digital modes only
>7050 - 7200    All modes
>RTTY contesters can go anywhere up from 7040 but not below. CW ops can use 
>anywhere in the band EXCEPT 7040-7050.


A further complication is that JA stations are limited to below 7045.
This makes the "sweet spot" fall between 7040-7045, just 5 kHz. 

73, Bill W6WRT
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