[CQ-Contest] Winter NCCC Sprint Ladder . . NSL-10

Bill Haddon haddon.bill at gmail.com
Tue Dec 7 10:38:42 PST 2010


The Second Winter 10-week NS Ladder competition  NSL-10 begins on Thursday
at 0230Z (Friday UTC) 20-160m.
 --  2 weeks prior to Holidays., this week and next. then 8 sessions in a
row starting Jan 7
 --  Complete NSL Schedule: http://www.ncccsprint.com/next_ns.htm

-- Exchange: Ser #, Name, QTH (State , Prov,  NA Country, or "DX")

 -- Rules: :  http://www.ncccsprint.com/ladder.html and

     - Time: 0230-0300Z,  every Thursday night in NA
     - Low power, 100 watts.
      - NA Sprint format, with 1 KHz QSY Rule for CQ and S&P both.
      - Four Bands CW:  20, 40, 80 and 160
      - Work stations once per band.
      - Mults per band. Score = Q's * Mults
      - Report scores to  http://hornucopia.com/3830score/

      - AWARDS: CA wine (or equivalent), courtesy of W0YK (Muns Vineyard,
www.munsvineyard.com) -- hand-crafted wines by an expert radio-contester.
Awards by weighted-random drawing, adjusted for participation (4 wk
minimum), score and place in division. All 10 sessions gains you an extra
place in the drawing.

NSL is a quick, fun Thurs night break. .  Most importantly the series will
hone your skills.  Uniquely, NSL provides a repeating, constant format for
testing station improvements and new operator skills such as SO2R in a
measurable way, averaging out week-to-week variations in propagation.  Good
way to test the performance of that new 6-el rotatable 160 meter Yagi you've
just installed for the upcoming Stew Perry and to hone skills for the
upcoming February NA CW Sprint.

NS Ladder is a component of NCCC Thursday Night Contesting.  Our webmaster
John, K6MM, describes NS as "Contesting on the Edge."  We owe special thanks
to Bruce, WA7BNM and Dink, N7WA for providing score-compilation services at
www.hornucopia.com.  And special thanks to Ed, W0YK who is the contest wine
master. (visit www.munsvineyard.com)

After NS/NSL, join the NCCC Contest net on 3610 at 0300Z usually hosted by
Ken, N6RO.

Nccc-blue is the reflector for NS/NSL.  Write n6zfo at arrl.net to join.

Questions/comments re NSL: Advisory Group,  W9RE, N4AF, K4BAI, K6UFO, N3BB,
W4NZ, N6WM and W0BH.

73 Bill N6ZFO
Contest Director for NCCC Sprint Ladder, NSL.

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