[CQ-Contest] SECTIONS.

Geoffrey Way wayg at cape-vision.com
Sat Dec 25 19:02:36 PST 2010

Suggesting DC be separated from MD should only be based
on the criteria for creating a new ARRL Section: number of
licensees within a geographic area. If NN3W can offer supporting
numbers to back this suggestion, it certainly has weight.

My spitball, shoot-from-the-hip instincts say the numbers don't, though.

But he COULD rightfully plan ahead, make himself a SPECIAL EVENT
station, and have a similar effect. Just offering a nice fancy QSL card
as an incentive can have this effect.

  "Style is a simple way of saying complicated things."  --J. Cocteau

                   \    /
                \  |    |        ---Tao.   A chinese character that
                -- |----|                     means "Way, Path."
                 / |----|
                 \ |____|
                 /_________                    Geoffrey Way

         websites: http://www.cape-vision.com/wayg/mrep

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