[CQ-Contest] Kid's Day de KH6LC

Lloyd Cabral kh6lc at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 27 18:20:42 PST 2010

  Sorry for the 2nd posting but the Kid's Day link was incorrect
  in my prior post.    It's fixed below.    As last year, during 
  Kid's Day we'll be broadcasting LIVE VIDEO from the shack 
  @  www.Justin.TV/KH6LC    Kids everywhere thought that 
  was pretty neat.

  This coming Sunday Jan 2nd is Kid's Day.  If you're not familiar 
  with the Kid's Day event please go to  http://www.arrl.org/kids-day
  Local kids will activate KH6LC on 20 and 15 and if open 10 meters. 
  Looks for our SPOTS on DX Summit.  Watching the kids operate is
  an absolute hoot.  It's a lot of fun and gives us an opportunity to
  showcase amateur radio in a very positive light.  Please consider
  opening your shack to the local youth in your community. 
  Look for us next Sunday.         73, Lloyd  KH6LC

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