[CQ-Contest] Bandpass filtering

S56A s56a at bit.si
Thu Dec 30 16:31:11 PST 2010

N4ZR wrote: From what W3LPL has told me, I am pretty confident that I can 
simply parallel the output of the 6 filters, but can I also parallel the 

I very much doubt that W3LPL told you that!  His BPF are triple tuned 
circuits with top capacitor coupling.  They exhibit low impedance on the 
frequencies above bandpass.  10 m filter is coupled to 50 Ohms with 33 pF 
while 160 m has 719 pF.   That gives 475 (square) power ratio or -27 dB 

Only serial tuned circuits can be paralleled at 50 Ohms and even that 
becomes difficult beyond triplexer.  Check http://www.nuhertz.tv/

You don't need any BPF for QS1R, just band STOP filters to prevent input 
frying from nearby TX.  ICE filters might be easily converted to band-stop 
with change of both inputs to serial notch and adding just one more small 
coil for parallel resonance (de)coupling.

HNY & 73 de Mario, M/S56A from London

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