[CQ-Contest] Florida Contest Group SuperSuite Report

Chris Plumblee chris.plumblee at gmail.com
Wed Feb 17 08:00:54 PST 2010

Contest Community,

Thank you for your attendance and support at the various FCG events this
weekend at the Orlando HamCation. Despite Dayton-like weather with
temperatures in the 50's and rain, we had a great time at the FCG SuperSuite
on Friday night with over 65 in attendance, including hired guns from PVRC,
FRC, TCG, MRRC, and SECC. It was great to see visitors from out of town like
N2RM, K7JA, W4PA, AA4NC, NE3H, K8DD, AC8W, K4SSU, and others who I'm sure
I'm forgetting.

A big thanks goes out to K7BV and Yaesu for making this event possible by
providing the grand prize for our raffle. We drew tickets on Saturday at
about 4pm, and the big winner was Ed Gansen K8DSS, who took home the
FT-857D. Other winners included K4CC (ARRL Antenna Book, 21st Edition) and
W4UM (2010 ARRL Handbook).

The action at the RUFZXP CW copying contest in the SuperSuite on Friday
night was hotter than the RTTY WPX Contest going on everywhere else. As we
did not have any entries in the special categories (ops < 30 years of age
and ops licensed < 10 years) we awarded subscriptions to the NCJ to the top
three finishers. The grand champion was K8NZ, who posted the first score of
the night and had it stand up to every subsequent challenger. Second place
went to AD4Z, better known as HI3A, aided by his years of experience on the
other end of the pileup. Third place went to a hired gun from Tennessee,
W4PA, who did TCG and Vibroplex proud with a close third place finish, with
K2EUH was nipping at his heels. Bob will be working hard to practice for
next year to get onto the podium.

Personally, I am very pleased with the outcome of all the events this
weekend, and I'm excited to say that we have plans for bigger and better
events concurrent with the Orlando HamCation next year. Thank you for your
support of the FCG, and make your plans now to attend the FCG events at
HamCation 2011!

73/OJ de Chris WF3C

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