[CQ-Contest] Log checking with mismatched bands

Robert Chudek - K0RC k0rc at citlink.net
Wed Jan 6 21:53:08 PST 2010

> Note - for a contest where the band doesn't matter (like the Sweepstakes), 
> I
> would say the band should be ignored.

Tree, I would argue the other side of this. Sweepstakes is supposedly a 
contest of skill and accuracy. If an operator can't log the correct band, 
this would fly in the face of that basic parameter of SS.

Regarding figuring out who's log is correct and who's isn't, I would think a 
little judicious programming could determine the answer. One log or the 
other is going to have a lot of band mismatches with other QSO's around the 
time of the questionable contact. This should be simple to spot if both 
stations are single transmitter. It might be a little more difficult if they 
are both multi transmitter stations, but I wouldn't think it would be 
impossible. Of course this is easy for me to say, being a back-seat 
programmer that doesn't have to "make it so"!

David, I would challenge the other station who "blew it off" by checking off 
the *Not in log* button in eQSL. The challenge would be to compare his 
outgoing and incoming QSL boxes to see where others said he was operating at 
the time. Of course he might no care, and that's a different situation 

73 de Bob - KØRC in MN

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tree" <tree at kkn.net>
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 2:19 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Log checking with mismatched bands

> K2DSL asks:
>> So my question is, assuming the contest log checking program cares about 
>> the
>> band at all, which I imagine it might, what happens if 2 conflicting log
>> entries exist when it tries to match them up? Do both people get a NIL? 
>> Does
>> it try and figure out which band is correct and how could it do that
>> accurately?
> This is an issue I have come up against a number of times.  On the 
> surface,
> it kind of seems like a QSO logged on a different band should be counted.
> However, I will argue the right thing to do in the case where the band
> matters is to count these as not-in-logs for both logs.
> When a QSO is claimed on different bands, it is really difficult to say
> for sure which of the two logs are correct.  One of them has to be wrong.
> Since the QSO can't be verified to have actually taken place on either 
> band,
> the only real choice left is to count it as a NIL - in both logs.
> Note - for a contest where the band doesn't matter (like the Sweepstakes), 
> I
> would say the band should be ignored.
> Tree N6TR
> tree at kkn.net
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