[CQ-Contest] Origin of Cabrillo

Fabian Kurz mail at fkurz.net
Sat Jan 9 14:07:46 PST 2010

On Sat, Jan 09, 2010 at 03:39:47PM +0100, Franki ON5ZO wrote:
> Trivia Time!
> I did some browsing but I couldn't find why the Cabrillo format was dubbed 
> 'Cabrillo'. Anyone?

That's a DQ in the Google Contest, OM.

1st QSO with Google:

=> Cabrillo College in Aptos, CA. And some "trey" at kkn.net. Must be

2nd QSO with Google:

4th link:
.-[ http://www2.arrl.org/contests/update/index.html?issue=2004-08-25 ]--
| In case you were wondering where the name Cabrillo comes from, the
| Cabrillo College is in Aptos, CA where N5KO (the developer of the
| Cabrillo spec) lives.  Cabrillo was an early Spanish explorer of the
| New World - http://www.win.tue.nl/~engels/discovery/cabrillo.html.  No
| word on who checked his logs.

Fabian Kurz, DJ1YFK * Munich, Germany * http://fkurz.net/      .---.
          Learn CW Online: http://lcwo.net/                   |  |  |
                                                              | /|\ |

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