[CQ-Contest] WPX online score database

jimk8mr at aol.com jimk8mr at aol.com
Thu Jan 21 05:51:24 PST 2010


The data base must have been confused by a couple of my scores.   Several 
times back in the good old days of zero point same-country qsos, I  decided 
to get on and work some guys.  I had a modest number of qsos and  
multipliers, but forgot to work anybody outside the USA and therefore got a  score of 
zero  :>)
In the database my SSB efforts from 1992 and 1994 have my score as blank,  
rather than zero.
The all time record zero  point score AFAIK  remains the 1992 CW  score of 
W9XR(/3), 325 x 168.
A couple of years after these zero point scores someone decided that  
giving a point for same-country qsos was not such a bad idea after all.  I  think 
that has helped a lot in making WPX as popular as it is today.
73  -  Jim  K8MR
p.s.  The data base is very cool!  Thanks to all for their  work.
In a message dated 1/21/2010 2:02:48 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
k5zd at charter.net writes:

Back in  August, I posted a message on the cq-contest reflector looking  for
volunteers who would be willing to type in line scores for WPX  contests. I
as very happy to hear from about a dozen volunteers.
As  always, it is amazing the passion and willingness to help that can be
found  in the contesting world. 

Each volunteer received a set of image files  with magazine page scans (some
better than others) and instructions. I  would estimate it took each
volunteer about 12-18 hours of hard work to  accomplish their task.  It 
then take me another 3-6 hours to add  the necessary country info and 
the files into the online database.  

The result is that we now have an online database with ALL lines  scores for
WPX SSB from 1985 to 2008 and for WPX CW from 1991 to  2008.  You can access
various views at  http://www.cqwpx.com/score_db.htm

Since there was so much hand work and  very small print, I would like to ask
everyone to check their scores and  report any errors.  As we got back into
some of the Russian calls of  the 1980's it wasn't always clear what country
a particular call might have  been in.  So look for errors there as well. If
you know of additional  scores or corrections that may have appeared in
errata in a CQ magazine,  please let me know about them.

Thanks to the following for their data  entry efforts to help build this
historical record.

Call        Year         Entries
N7AZ        1992         1618
K5ZD        1991         1616
WP3C        1990         1578
SV1RP       1989         1727
K5ZD        1988         1750
AB7E        1987         1554
KA3DRR  1986        1544
N1NK     1985        1459

Call   Year        Entries
K4ZW   1992        1160
NN3W     1991        1196

More to come.   If you would like to volunteer, please let me know!

Randy Thompson,  K5ZD

Director - CQ WPX Contest

email: k5zd at cqwpx.com
web:  www.cqwpx.com

PS - Interesting to see how contest activity / log  submissions is changing
over time.  See  

PPS - Only 64 days until WPX  SSB.

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