[CQ-Contest] Webinar: RTTY Contesting for Newbies

Dean Wood cqden6de at gmail.com
Sat Jan 23 11:31:41 PST 2010

Hi Contesters,

The Northern California Contest Club is pleased to make the following
webinar available for viewing.

This is a webinar that concentrates on some practical aspects to get
your station up and running on RTTY.  CQWW WPX RTTY and NAQP RTTY are
both coming up in February.  Make 2010 the year you stopped making
excuses about why you can't be active in RTTY contests.

RTTY Contesting for Newbies
A. RTTY fundamentals
B. RTTY interfaces
C. Common RTTY problems for newbies
D. MMTTY and N1MM RTTY setup with live demos for both programs
E. Writelog RTTY setup with a live demo and live RTTY QSOs

Presenters: Dean N6DE, Iain N6ML, John K6MM, Fred K6DGW
Length of recording: 1 hour, 48 minutes


This file size is 115MB.  The recording is in .WMV format.  This
should make it easy to view, as most of you already have a .WMV player
on your computer (i.e. Windows Media Player).  The file should
automatically start to play while still downloading.  In Windows Media
Player, the dark blue line at the bottom (barely visible) indicates
the download status.  The light blue line indicates what part of the
recording you're currently viewing.  After the file has finished
downloading (dark blue line scrolled all the way to the right and then
disappeared), if you want to save it on your computer for future
viewing, just go to the top of the Windows Media Player window, right
click, select File, Save As, and type a filename with a .WMV extension
(such as rtty.wmv).

-Dean - N6DE

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