[CQ-Contest] WRTC 2010 Blog on NCJ Web Site

Aldewey at aol.com Aldewey at aol.com
Fri Jul 2 12:18:25 PDT 2010

It's hard to believe that WRTC 2010 is only a week away!  I  encourage you 
all to check out the WRTC 2010 Blog on the National Contest  Journal (NCJ) 
Web Site.  So far , we have 11 WRTC 2010 attendees who have  agreed to post 
their experiences on the WRTC 2010 Blog area on the NCJ  site.  Just go to 
_www.ncjweb.com_ (http://www.ncjweb.com)  and  click on the link at the top of 
the page.  The postings have already  started.
A special thanks to Bruce, WA7BNM for setting this up.  If there are  
others attendees who would like to blog from WRTC, contact me (_K0AD at arrl.net_ 
(mailto:K0AD at arrl.net) ) off the reflector.   Participating teams will not be 
able to access the internet during the actual  IARU contest hours but they 
will be able to post before and after the  event.
I encourage you all to spread the word on your local contest club  
Good luck to all at WRTC 2010 as well as to non-attendees during the  IARU 
Al, K0AD

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