[CQ-Contest] CR5HQ in IARU HF World Championship

Carlos Nora © carlosnora.ct1end at gmail.com
Thu Jul 8 09:30:56 PDT 2010

Radioamadores de Portugal vão estar operando a estação especial CR5HQ (HQ
REP) neste fim de semana no IARU HF World Championship. Eles vão estar em CW
e SSB em cada uma das seis bandas do concurso.
QSL via CT1REP (http://www.rep.pt/cr5hq).
Amateurs radio the Portugal  will be operating special station CR5HQ (HQ
REP) in this weekend's IARU HF World Championship.
They will be on CW and SSB on each of the six contest bands.
QSL via CT1REP (http://www.rep.pt/cr5hq).

Best 73
Carlos Nora, CT1END

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