[CQ-Contest] WRTC calls

Igor Booklan ra3auu at srr.ru
Fri Jul 9 17:27:55 PDT 2010

Please read the rules carefully and you will see that there is a
difference between 50 QSOs with WRTC stations and 50 WRTC teams.

73, Harry

W> Are the awards adjusted then for 48 teams vs 50?  Do we still need 50 points
W> for the certificate and 100 for the T-shirt?

W> On 7/9/2010 5:05:49 PM, Igor Booklan (ra3auu at srr.ru) wrote:
>> Dear friends,
>> We would like to announce that we have issued 48 callsigns out of 50
>> available for WRTC teams.
>> The calls which won't be used from the list announced earlier
>> http://www.wrtc2010.ru/?id=51&idp=39 are R34Y and R37G, so you can
>> mark them in your comfortable form http://www.wrtc2010.ru/?id=77
>> 73s, Harry RA3AUU

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