[CQ-Contest] Nasty Cheerleading in favor of R36F

Radio K0HB kzerohb at gmail.com
Sun Jul 11 12:48:58 PDT 2010

I didn't miss the point.  I just don't share your conclusion.

Just to set my position:  I believe that ANY spotting is too much, but the 
charge of "cheerleading" seems misplaced in this case.

"Cheerleaders" typically spot their "friend" almost exclusively, but both 
the accused here (UA9's) also spotted pretty much every other R3 that was 

My guess is that proximity is the explanation in this case, not some 
nefarious scheme as LU5DX proposes.

73, de Hans, K0HB
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>> I'm guessing that the fourteen "1's" are busted calls.
> Once again, you've missed the point.  One WRTC station
> had some 75 spots more than the least spotted station.


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