[CQ-Contest] WRT-C2010 Comments

Jeffrey Clarke ku8e at bellsouth.net
Sun Jul 11 19:39:37 PDT 2010


  As a past WRTC competitor in Brazil I can assure you that this event is
more than the competition.  #1 it's an honor just being picked to go.  It's
also about the comradery and the friendships that you make . We all go into
the competition wanting to win but in the end there can be only one winner.
I think one person said that WRTC was similar to a golf tournament. I agree
with this statement 100%. There are so many things that can happen that are
out of your control - a bad location, line noise, equipment failure etc..
That can affect your score. The winners are usually good operators and


I think a simple solution to the cheerleading issue is to just remove unique
calls that are from the country the competitor is from. There was a similar
issue in Brazil and they just ended up removing ALL unique calls from our
logs. There is really no solution to the spotting issue.  It's all out of
the control of the competitor unless they asked someone to spot them during
the competition, which we all know is against the rules. Instead of
complaining lets congratulate the Russians on good job on hosting this


73, Jeff  KU8E

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