[CQ-Contest] Spots Analysis Tool is Back

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Thu Jul 15 07:46:49 PDT 2010

I'm happy to report that after repairs, the Spot Analysis Tool is back, 
for comparing up to 10 stations' signal strength at 30-some Reverse 
Beacons worldwide.  Did the WRTC achieve a level playing field?  See 
what you think - it looks pretty good to me.

Step by step instructions for using the tool may be accessed by clicking 
the "i" icon in the upper right-hand corner at 

73, Pete N4ZR

The World Contest Station Database, updated daily at www.conteststations.com
The Reverse Beacon Network at http://reversebeacon.net, blog at reversebeacon.blogspot.com,
spots at telnet.reversebeacon.net, port 7000

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