Sandy Taylor
ve4xt at mts.net
Sat Jul 17 15:16:17 PDT 2010
It is easy for non-DX stations to assume that being spotted increases your
rate. It does, but only until the number of calling stations becomes so
large that you're left with a solid wall of CW tone 10 khz wide,
particularly when you're sexy enough or loud enough to not need cluster to
get as many stations as you can handle.
What happens then is that the people whose calls you DO pick out can't hear
you (because a not insignificant number of these packet ops are LIDS who
don't shut up long enough to listen), or you can't hear their reply or you
can't really distinguish anyone from the wall of noise.
If you are stateside and a spot takes your rate from 80 per hour to 100 per
hour after a spot, it is a good thing for you. But if you're DX and a spot
takes your rate from 250 per hour to 100, how has that helped?
The problem with Jim's dupes isn't just that they waste time (if that was
all it was, it wouldn't be so bad). It's that they also add unnecessary
pollution to your listening frequency.
The genie isn't going back in the bottle. But at times, it would be nice to
be able to opt out of the so-called "benefits" of being spotted. I'm just
When I'm at home in SS and my pipsqueak signal isn't attracting attention, I
love being spotted. But when I was in Jamaica and running a dream pileup
(pre-spot), being spotted was absolute disaster. Half the ops were still
looking for Jamaica and half the ops were desperate to snag China. (I wonder
how many QSLs BY1V gets that are really busts?)
73, kelly
-----Original Message-----
From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Barry
Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2010 1:13 PM
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] N6TJ AXIOMS OF LIFE
What you are missing is the fact that Cluster spots have increased your
QSO rate very significantly, compared with the pre-Cluster days.
Increased dupes, unfortunately, come along for the ride. Perhaps you
had 350 dupes out of 5K QSOs, but go back 25-30 years and see how many
total QSOs you had compared with a recent contest.
Technology marches on, whether you like it or not. Would you prefer to
go back to your tube rig, bug, and paper log with OpAid 6?
Barry W2UP
S56A wrote:
> N6TJ wrote: It's late, and now every time I read the word DUPE, it's
> increasingly looking like I wrote DOPE.
> Leave "DUPE"! It makes us Slavs laugh as it means "ASS" in our languages
> :-)
> "DOPE" could be better associated with schizofrenic SO2R and 48 hours
> madness. Just survived 24 hours of two independent audio streams as WRTC
> refree.
> I am glad our hobby has K1JT, K1TTT and other tech gurus! CQ WW made
> step with advanced EXTREME category. We kept our heads in sand about DX
> Cluster for 25 years and now comes surprise about some bad side effects.
> enjoy spotting and sharing rare DX . In the best tradition of WRTC
> spirit.
> 73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU, MSc EE retired
> P.S. I am programming again after almost 20 years. It is entirely
> different environment now and I can hardly cope. But I know the change is
> for better as I enjoy freedom of information over internet as never
> Long live CW :-(
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Barry Kutner, W2UP Lakewood, CO
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