[CQ-Contest] Spots and Success in the WRTC - a little data for discussion

Luc PY8AZT py8azt at dxbrasil.net
Mon Jul 19 06:11:54 PDT 2010

2010/7/19 Pete Smith <n4zr at contesting.com>:
> The following table lists the contestants in WRTC by finish order and
> callsign, and then shows the number of spots recorded in the Reverse
> Beacon Network database.  Reverse beacons don't cheerlead or select
> which stations to spot.  You can draw your own conclusions.  Perhaps
> there is a statistician among us who can derive further enlightenment by
> analyzing these numbers, together with others released by the organizers.
> Call    Place    Spots
> R32F    1       182
> R33A    2       109
> R33M    3       316
> R39D    4       172
> R34P    5       156
> R32K    6       0
> R32R    7       106


I'm not statistician, but I saw a Skimmer working at PW7T M/2 for
first time on last WPX CW.
I noted Skimmer script is limited to spot station calling CQ not often
than 10min basis. Over 10min, I guess It looks for a CQ and a CALL
words to proceed the spot.

It was very clear to us, when we were very busy working pileup,
without ID or doing short ID as TU PW7T, we weren't spotted at all by
our local Skimmer. We needed to call CQ twice like CQ TEST PW7T to our
local Skimmer catch us.

So, I can say that R33A wasn't CQing enought to be catched as R32F was.
And Zero from R32K spots could means bad keying, bad call or never CQ
hi hi hi. How knows?

73, Luc
PW7T Team member
WRTC.2010 Brazilian Team Leader
PY8AZT (also PT7AG, PX8C, ZZ8Z, ZY7C)
LABRE, ARRL, & Fortaleza DX Group Member

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