[CQ-Contest] 599

Joe nss at mwt.net
Wed Jul 21 06:36:44 PDT 2010

I suppose because in many contests a signal report is part of the exchange.

why 599?

I guess because most times you have to have a signal strength of 9 just 
to be heard at all.

I guess real RST's should be a variance, and this would really mess 
everyone up would it not,  but to sent a true "R" value.

i always loved hearing the exchage,

Ur 59,  i need my report,,,,,,

thanks I still need ur section ur 59.

he he he

Obviously the station is NOT a 5 on readability or why would the guy 
need soo many repeats.

But wow, imagine a cw test where the R value is constantly changing?

YIKES! he he he


The Original Rolling Ball Clock
Idle Tyme

On 7/21/2010 12:18 AM, al_lorona at agilent.com wrote:
>> With so much interesting the recent WRTC competition in Moscow I thought
>> people may be interested in hearing what it sounded like from inside the
>> tents.  I.e., the same thing the referees were listening to.
> Very cool!
> Serious question: why was '599' part of the exchange? The larger question is: why is '599' ever a part of any contest's exchange?
> Al  W6LX
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