[CQ-Contest] 599

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Thu Jul 22 03:35:14 PDT 2010

This is exactly why I argue against people saving milliseconds by 
speeding up the sending of "5NN" on CW - in tough conditions it negates 
the value of setting up your brain for the real data to come.

73, Pete N4ZR

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On 7/21/2010 10:26 PM, Dale Putnam wrote:
> Yes, it is historic, and Randy is right. However, another way of looking at it, for voice or cw.... is that it sets the ear(s) to listen to the following with a whole lot more precision, and accuracy, (two different aspects) so the following important information can be heard and comprehended, and reacted to effectively and effeciently. Another way of looking at it, is that the 599, voice or cw, allows the rx brain to adjust the automatic filters to compensate for the qrn/qsb/qrm and allow the best possible reception, like using an audio filter and adjusting it with the controls available, for the best information transfer or most effective information transfer possible.

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