[CQ-Contest] no no no...it MUST be 579 (was 599)

kr2q at optimum.net kr2q at optimum.net
Thu Jul 22 15:28:05 PDT 2010

Sorry folks...but ever try reading the RULES?

>From CQWW

report plus zone (i.e., 5705). CW: RST
report plus zone (i.e., 57905).

So we are all REQUIRED to send 5705 or 57905, irrespective of S strength, readability, or
actual zone.

We all know that "IE" translates into "that is," right?  So CQ specifies exactly what we
are supposed to send and it is NOT 599.

NOTE:  Clearly, the rule should read: (EG 5705) since EG = "for example."

Additionally, nowhere in the CQWW Rules does it state that you have record the exchange,
only to make an exchange.

As far as I know (afaik for you net guys), cabrillo is what "requires" that the exchange field
be populated.

April in July!!

de Doug KR2Q

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