[CQ-Contest] Signal reports in IARU R1 V/U/SHF contest

Henk Remijn PA5KT pa5kt at remijn.net
Fri Jul 23 10:41:35 PDT 2010

  I know the signal report discussion is always activating a lot of people.

PI4Z did make some qso's on 24GHz during IARU Region 1 May contest.
In one of the qso's the other station did not write down the sent report 
properly. The qso was removed.
We had a recording, the station was really sending 529 and not 519 
(which was in the log).

Should this qso being removed?

73 Henk PA5KT

Henk Remijn PA5KT
email: pa5kt at remijn.net
www: www.pa5kt.com

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