[CQ-Contest] Funny exchange

David Levine david at levinecentral.com
Sat Jul 24 11:50:55 PDT 2010

Maybe this happens more often but it was the first time I heard it and it
made me laugh. There was a DX station in Germany calling CQ in the IOTA
contest and a US station sent back his report to the German station. The
German station kept asking him to "repeat his report" and the US station
kept send the German station the serial number that the German station sent
him. I guess the US station didn't understand the German station was asking
to have the US repeat the report, not confirm what the German station sent

German station: You are 59 456
US station: You are 59 002
German station: Please repeat my report
US station: 59 456
German station: Please again repeat my report
US station 59 456
German station: My Report please. Repeat my report.
US station 59 456

It was a bit like an Abbott and Costello skit.

K2DSL - David

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