[CQ-Contest] [ve3_contest] Digifest

Yuri VE3DZ ve3dz at rigexpert.net
Fri Jun 4 17:35:47 PDT 2010

Sorry, the right link for this year's rules:

73 Yuri  VE3DZ

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Yuri VE3DZ 
  To: cq-contest at contesting.com 
  Cc: ve3_contest at yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 8:33 PM
  Subject: [ve3_contest] Digifest

  Check out great prizes fro different categories in Digifest this coming weekend!

  DigiFest: 0400Z-1200Z, Jun 5 and 2000Z, Jun 5 to 0400Z, Jun 6 and
  1200Z-2000Z, Jun 6
  Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
  Classes: SOAB, All Modes (Low/High)
  SOAB, All Modes, 8 Hours (Low/High)
  SOAB, Single Mode (Low/High)
  Single Op Single Band, All Modes (Low/High)
  Multi-Op Single Transmitter
  Max power: High: 1500 watts
  Low: 100 watts
  Exchange: RST + 4-character grid square
  Work stations: Once per band per mode
  QSO Points: 1 QSO point per km between stations
  Multipliers: Each grid square once
  Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
  Submit logs by: June 13, 2010
  E-mail logs to: digifest_robot[at]mixw[dot]net
  Upload log at: http://mixw.net/misc/DigiFest/digifest_log.php
  Mail logs to: (none)
  Find rules at: http://www.mixw.net/misc/DigiFest/rulese.html

  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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