[CQ-Contest] OT - Help wanted

Radio K0HB kzerohb at gmail.com
Sat Jun 5 17:03:23 PDT 2010

I am in the early development stages of a software package for hams called "Wallpaper Manager".

The purpose of the application will be to extract from your logs the information regarding your attainment status for selected Amateur Radio awards such as DXCC, WAZ, WAS, Oblasts, etc. (as many as I can figure out could be supported in ADIF.)  Further, the program will track "worked/confirmed/submitted/credited" stats, and help generate applications for the awards and endorsements.

I am looking for collaborators (help envision the scope/functions, beta test preliminary code, etc.)

I have created a mail list at yahoogroups for this effort (do NOT reply here).  To join the group go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WallpaperManager/ or send an empty email to WallpaperManager-subscribe at yahoogroups.com .  If your email address doesn't include your callsign or other hints that you are a ham, I will query you before I approve your membership.

By the way, if you know of a good program (stand-alone) which already meets this need, let me know so I can spend my time chasing the E4.
73, de Hans, K0HB
"Just a boy and his radio"
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