[CQ-Contest] Field Day and contesting...

Warren C. Stankiewicz nf1j at earthlink.net
Mon Jun 28 20:42:45 PDT 2010

Yes, Field Day is an operating event. Nobody ever won an award for winning
anything in Field Day (although I can think of several prize categories that
would have been a lot of fun.)

I have to confess to having been the one with the most singular pleasure in
all of Field Day--for many years, it was my job to go through all the
pictures that were submitted for publication in QST. In addition to the many
outstanding ones we printed, there was always a "B roll" every year that was
simply too hilarious.

Whether you operate it to make a lot of contacts or not, it is the one
universal experience in ham radio. Everyone sooner or later has a couple of
good Field Day stories.

It should also be a prime event for us contesters to lure others into our
fold. The average ham probably has no concept of what a "run" is like: next
time, grab a "newbie", sit them down next to you, and show them the power of
the Force.

Participation in Field Day is always in the thousands. We contesters should
do more to harvest that crop and bring them along.

With malice towards none,

Warren, NF1J/6

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