[CQ-Contest] SWL QSL cards

Edward Swynar gswynar at durham.net
Sun Mar 14 15:53:11 PDT 2010

Ryan wrote:

"...But I've been an SWL for over 20 years myself and the SWL hobby is
definitely on the decline..."


It's no wonder the hobby is on the decline...

I was shocked upon my return to casual SWL'ing last year, with the
conspicuous absence on the airwaves of the once-stalwart VOA, BBC, and

One can only take-in so many religious surmons, and left-wing / right-wing
political rants. What complete & utter garbage! If the airwaves were like
they are now, only some 31 years ago, I seriously doubt that I would have
bothered to tune the bands myself back then.

~73!~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

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