[CQ-Contest] ARRL 10M Contest

Larry K4AB k4ab at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 31 06:55:55 PDT 2010


OK, is this an April Fool's joke or what?


>Welcome to the ARRL 10 Meter Contest, amigos and amigas! Effective with the 2010 event, the multiplier list has been expanded to include all of the Mexican states, replacing the single >multiplier for the DXCC entity of XE. The island of Revillagigedo (XF4) will remain a multiplier based on its status as a separate DXCC entity. This is a net increase of 31 multipliers. A list of >names and abbreviations for each state is posted on the ARRL Contest Branch log. This change does NOT apply to any other ARRL contest, only the 10 Meter Contest. One can only wonder if >there will be QRP entries from the state of Quintana Roo (QRO)?
Larry K4AB 		 	   		  
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