[CQ-Contest] WPX CW around Kansas City?

Kim Östman kim.ostman at tut.fi
Mon May 3 09:07:20 PDT 2010


I will be in Kansas City, MO, for a conference at 
the end of this month, leaving for home on the 
morning of Saturday 29th.

If there is a single-op possibility or a multi-op 
effort in the general area, I would be most happy
to join in the WPX CW fun for a little while when
the contest begins in the evening of Friday 28th; 
I am a young and fairly experienced contest/SO2R 
operator, usually active from OH4A. 

I will have a car at my disposal, so travel is not 
a problem. Please give me a shout by e-mail if you 
know of any opportunities.

73 & Thanks

E-mail: kim.ostman at tut.fi
WWW: http://www.kimostman.fi

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