[CQ-Contest] WPX CW Score Database now Complete 1979-2009

Randy Thompson K5ZD k5zd at charter.net
Tue May 18 03:49:26 PDT 2010

The online score database now includes the complete results from 30 years of
the WPX CW Contest (1979 - 2009). Thanks to SP5UAF, LB1G (did 2 years!),
K1ZR, N5IE, and W4AU for their work to type in the last 6 years of scores.
You can follow your personal history in the WPX contest by going to
http://www.cqwpx.com/score_db.htm and typing your call into the search box.
I invite everyone to do this and check that we typed in your scores
correctly. If you find any errors please send them to k5zd at cqwpx.com.
Having the complete results makes the records pages completely up to date
for every DXCC and category. View records at
http://www.cqwpx.com/records.htm. Can you find one to break?
It is interesting to see how the contest participation has evolved over time
at http://www.cqwpx.com/stats.htm.
The WPX CW contest is coming up in just 10 days (May 29-30). Everyone is
invited to have fun in the contest. Please submit your log to be a part of
the WPX Contest history.

Randy Thompson, K5ZD
Director - CQ WPX Contest

email: k5zd at cqwpx.com
web: www.cqwpx.com

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