[CQ-Contest] Contest QTH

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Sat May 22 02:44:56 PDT 2010

Hi Lew - an eyeball at the angles involved suggests that most 
reflections will occur well within the 20-30 miles.  HFTA only uses 
terrain out to about 4000 meters.  Reduced salinity would have some 
effect, for example in a river delta, but I can't begin to quantify it.

73, Pete N4ZR

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On 5/21/2010 9:13 PM, Lew Sayre wrote:
> Yo,
>      OK, so a salt water take off is good for Tx and Rx.  What about
> an archipelago or salt water bay or salty straight where you'd have 20-30
> miles of sea water before running into land?  You think that would be almost
> as good as open sea water or maybe just a bit better than good terra firma?
>    Anecdotes- studies-experiences?  We had salt water near us, surrounded by
> a smallish land mass engulfed by the South Indian Ocean at FT5XO and the
> verticals seemed to play pretty well.
>        73 and I remain,
>        Lew     W7EW
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