[CQ-Contest] NCCC Sprint this Thursday Night

k6ufo at arrl.net k6ufo at arrl.net
Tue May 25 14:39:02 PDT 2010

This Thursday night will be week 6 of the 10 week Summer Ladder,
and there is still time to qualify - since stations participating
for five or more weeks will be entered into a pool to determine

Thursday Night Thursday night 7:30PM PDST (Friday morning UTC 0230-0300Z)
Thirty minutes of CW fun on 20m - 160m (around 14040 7040 3540 1815)
100 watt power limit Full details at: http://www.ncccsprint.com/ladder.html

Some great High Scores have been turned in, and lots of new calls have 
been heard.  

W9RE's Slow Speed NCCC Sprint(SNS) precedes the NS ladder by 30 minutes 
with reduced speeds of 18-26 wpm on 20, 40 and 80m.

See you Thursday night!

NN7SS Burt WA  (aka K6UFO Mork CA)

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