[CQ-Contest] Would You Still Contest?

N7mal n7mal at citlink.net
Mon Nov 8 21:56:26 PST 2010

Al you asked:"" If for whatever reasons the only station you had available 
to you was a QRP transceiver and a low dipole, would you still operate in 
the SS? ""

To me, and I suspect many other die-hard SS participants, that is probably 
one silly question.
Over my many years of SSCW contesting I've operated from big stations to my 
present 100% P.O.S. station, and I've never lost the taste for SSCW. Last 
year I did SSCW QRP from here. I barely run 100 watts and only have 2 
aerials. One is an HFV2 for 80/40 DXing and the other is a 132 ft center fed 
w/open wire apex at 50 ft. I'm an old guy who has some very serious medical 
issues that keep me in bed a majority of the time.
My point is there is a magic to SSCW. It is a magic that says if you're 
breathing you can get on SSCW. I no longer can spend hours in this chair at 
a stretch but for the time I can sit here I can give out points and give my 
club some points for its aggregate score. I will continue until they are 
throwing dirt on my face. IMHO SSCW is the premier contesting event of the 
contest season......
Best 73

Everyone in the world is
entitled to be burdened
by my opinion

----- Original Message ----- 
From: al_lorona at agilent.com
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Sent: Monday, November 08, 2010 22:21
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Would You Still Contest?

Another marvelous SS CW has come and the usual post-contest flurry of 
messages has begun, so here's my (completely serious) contribution:

If for whatever reasons the only station you had available to you was a QRP 
transceiver and a low dipole, would you still operate in the SS?

I imagine-- but could be way off-- that once one has the taste of victory in 
one's mouth from a superstation with all of the accoutrements, that falling 
back to a spartan little pistol operation with llittle hope of doing any 
damage is probably too little to capture one's interest.

In other words, you'd sit out the SS rather than subject yourself to the 
challenge of Q power and cloud warmer.

Or maybe not? Is the thrill of the competition alone enough for the big 
guns, or does there have to be some chance of doing substantial damage with 
a large signal?

If your answer is, "No, thanks," what does that say about the 
antenna-limited hams who, year after year, either voluntarily or by 
necessity enter in the Q category?


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