[CQ-Contest] Can't believe I missed this section!

John Geiger aa5jg at fidmail.com
Tue Nov 9 07:44:58 PST 2010

Didn't have a lot of time to operate this past weekend, but figured I would
get on when I could, hand out some SS QSOs, try out a new for me rig on CW
contesting (It did very well) and try for a sweep.  Conditions were pretty
good overall and I finished with 75 sections.  Missed NE, VO1/2, VE4, KP4,
and, are you ready for this........LAX!  I missed what might be the most
populated section in the USA!  Heard one on 80m near the end of the contest,
but they had answered someone else.  I tried the trick of moving up a couple
of KCs and calling CQ, but no luck.  Anyone else have a section they missed
that they can't believe?  Was LAX really that rare this contest?

73s John AA5JG

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