[CQ-Contest] Omitting callign in exchange

Doug Renwick ve5ra at sasktel.net
Wed Nov 10 09:31:13 PST 2010

How does one find out if the rule is being ignored by the rule maker?

Do rule makers post a message saying that this and that rule will be
ignored because it is not enforced?


"Those Island days are always on my mind,
Someday soon I'm going to leave it all behind."

-----Original Message-----

That's an odd comment coming from you, Paul.  Rules are rules until they

get changed and it's hardly up to the participant to decide when a rule 
is "outdated" enough to just ignore.   I can understand some rules being

ignored because they never get enforced, but in effect that's the tacit 
decision of the rule maker ... not the participant.

Dave   AB7E

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