[CQ-Contest] Zeroland QSO Party

N7mal n7mal at citlink.net
Sat Nov 13 17:54:32 PST 2010

Dick that is a very very good thing. It makes it sort-of a mini NAQP. 
Everyone can do their own contest while there is  a lot of other activity 
which can only help and make for good scores.
The more the merrier as long as they try to be compatible.

Everyone in the world is
entitled to be burdened
by my opinion

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Dick Frey - K4XU
To: cq contest
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2010 01:09
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Zeroland QSO Party

Not only the WARC band stuff...
Did anyone notice that there are already the following activities on
that weekend:

0000Z May 7 2400Z May 8     3.5-28 50-432 MARAC CW and SSB Contests
0001Z May 7 2359Z May 8     28  10-10 Spring Digital Contest
1300Z May 7 1900Z May 7     3.5,7  QRP-QRP-Party
1300Z May 7 0700Z May 8     1.8-28 50,144 7th Area QSO Party
1600Z May 7 0400Z May 8     1.8-28  Indiana QSO Party
1700Z May 7 0459Z May 8     3.5-21  Radio Club of America QSO Party
2000Z May 7 1959Z May 8     1.8-28  ARI International DX Contest
2000Z May 7 2400Z May 8     3.5-28  New England QSO Party

Plus or minus one weekend would be much less confusion.



Richard Frey - K4XU
61255 Ferguson Rd.
Bend, OR  97702
Email:  k4xu at arrl.net
Web page: www.codxc.org

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