[CQ-Contest] Best SS exchange yet! -- reminiscence & confession

Doug Smith [W7KF] doug at w7kf.com
Wed Nov 24 08:48:15 PST 2010

Good story and, WOW, that brings back some memories. I remember listening in 
absolute awe as Katashi would run pile-ups. That guy never missed a call or an 
exchange. He could pluck a single call sign out of a pile *every* time. It was 

At the time (1960s), I was the only guy in MT (WA7DMA then) who got into CD 
parties so I'd have pretty good pile-ups on me and it was exhilarating! I was 
receiving on an old Hammarlund SP-200 and transmitting with a home brew rig 
with a 4-400 final. Heh..

Now, there are a bunch of CW guys in MT and they're all better ops than I am 
so I'm no longer getting the 12-DB advantage of being a rare section. But, I 
have upgraded my receiver!

Art, thanks for that little trip down Memory Lane.

Doug, W7KF

Art Boyars wrote:
 > I remember a CW contest (I think it was a CD Party) from when I was still
 > living "at home", so it was over 40 years ago.  My CQ on 40M was answered by
 > a fast op, whom I copied as "K5BIJ".  It took a few corrections for me to
 > recognize one of the most famous call signs in the world, KH6IJ.

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