[CQ-Contest] CQ WW Update

Bob Cox bobk3est at gmail.com
Wed Nov 24 15:48:59 PST 2010

November 24, 2010

CQ WW Update

The CQ WW Contest Committee would like to issue a clarification *to
part 4*from our last update (November 23, 2010).

*This clarification replaces the recently issued CQ WW Update part 4.*


Technology is advancing very rapidly.  The CQ WW Contest Committee wants to
make it clear about the use of Skimmer.

      A.   The use of a personal skimmer located within the distance rule
limitations (500m circle) of your QTH is *OK for all Multi-op and Assisted
     B.   The use of a *public *skimmer, *public* skimmer network,
*public*aggregator or the RBN is
*OK for all Multi-op and Assisted categories.
     C.    The use of a *PRIVATE *skimmer or *PRIVATE *skimmer network is *NOT
allowed (outside the 500m circle) for any category.


     D.    Remote receivers (including Internet-based SDRs,) which are
outside the 500m station circle, are *not permitted (strictly forbidden) for
ANY category.*


*We realize the words public and private are vague. The intent is that any
QSO spotting network outside of the 500m circle be available for anyone to
use. *



*Bob, K3EST*

*Director CQ WW*

* *

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